Self Portraits
At first glance, self-portraits are a way to engage children in examining the details which make up their faces, and then, drawing/creating what they see. However, this simple act of looking into a mirror and creating a reflection is much more as it enhances and supports various areas of development.
We know in art, self portraits are perfect for teaching children how to draw basic body shapes. We recognize and match colors as we discuss the features of our face. Children begin to name their facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth, ears, as well as talking about the colors they see in their face, hair, and eyes, which encourages their language development.
Another objective of a self-portrait is to give a child time to study their eyes, nose, mouth, and the rest of their face and body, and to work out how it all fits together. This practice of observing details closely, and separating the parts from the whole, serves as a precursor to drawing from observation, and supports early literacy skills.
Most importantly, the act of drawing a self-portrait allows a child to stand back and reflect upon who they are, forming their own sense of identity. We find it interesting to have the child do a self-portrait throughout the year to see the child’s developing sense of self over time.
Areas of development self portraits support
Fine Motor
Strength in hand to draw
Proper grip of crayons, paintbrush,pencil
Social/Emotional Self
Recognizing how we are the same and different in our community :Diversity
Learning more about ourselves : who do I look like? Why are my eyes this shape? Why is my hair this color? (heritage/ethnicity)
Identify and visually connect to emotions
Observe and awareness to detail
Vocabulary: nouns, adjectives
Building words/sentences from descriptions
Words have meanings
Spacial relationships
Shapes including 3dimensional
Mixing colors
shapes,3 dimensional shapes
lines, patterns, symmetry
If painting : mixing color
Parts of the face : 4 of our senses are on our head
Parts and purpose of the eye: Iris, eyelash
Recording (documenting) observations